5 Fakta Lagu Next 2 U - Kehlani, Banjir Atribut Palestina dan Link Donasi di Video Musik Terbaru

Kaltimtoday.co - Musisi R&B Hollywood, Kehlani, baru saja membuat gebrakan barunya dengan merilis lagu berjudul “Next 2 U” pada Jumat (31/5/2024) lalu.
Ogah bungkam–seperti musisi Hollywood lainnya–pelantun Good Life tersebut memilih bersuara dan menyatakan dukungan kepada Palestina. Hal ini dibuktikan melalui sejumlah cerita Instagram pribadi Kehlani.
Video musik “Next 2 U” yang dirilis pada (1/6/2024) lalu, sudah ditonton sebanyak 884 ribu kali dengan 92 ribu suka. Kaltim Today berhasil merangkum 5 fakta menarik lagu Next 2 U. Yuk, cari tahu informasinya di bawah ini!
1. Ada Puisi Penulis Palestina-Amerika Serikat

Lagu bernuansa romansa ini bukan hanya sekadar lagu cinta biasa. Pada awal video musik, Kehlani menyematkan kutipan puisi karya Hala Alyan, seorang profesor & penulis asal Palestina-Amerika Serikat yang terkenal dengan puisi-puisinya tentang kejadian di Timur Tengah.
“Keep your moon, we have our own. Keep your army, we have our name. Keep your flag, we have fruit and in all the right colors. - Hala Alyan”
2. Ada Bendera Palestina dan Keffiyeeh

Selain itu, Kehlani serta orang-orang yang terlibat dalam video tersebut mengenakan Keffiyeeh–penutup kepala tradisonal Palestina–dan menari di depan bendera Palestina.
3. Salam Hormat untuk Korban Palestina

Tak lupa. Kehlani menyematkan pesan penghormatan kepada anak-anak Palestina yang telah menjadi korban genosida Israel di akhir video musiknya.
“We tried to make a scroll honoring the names of thousands of deceased children. The list was so long that our fastest scroll at 3 minutes was illegible. The link to the casualties is provided in the description through Al-Jazeera. Please take a moment to scroll at your own pace.”
4. Sematkan Link Donasi

Tak hanya sampa disitu. Rilisnya lagu dan video musik Next 2 U sekaligus wadah untuk berdonasi bagi para pendengar. Kehlani menyematkan link donasi pada kotak deskripsi nya.
Selain itu, ia juga merilis merchandise kaos Next 2 U dengan bendera Palestina. Pendapatan ini 100% akan didonasikan kepada keluarga-keluarga di Sudan, Kongo, dan Palestina.
5. Lirik Lagu Next 2 U - Kehlani
How you love me, love me so deep, can't believe
Feel it all, feel it all, feel it all over me (Ah)
[Verse 1]
You know, you know I’ll be down, down, down
You know I'll be down, down, down
You know I'll be way, way, way, way, way down
You know, you know I’ll be down, down, down
You know I'll be down, down, down, down
Way, way, way, way, way down
They gon', they gon' have to come get me
They gon' have to see about me
To get next to you
They gon', they gon' have to call the law
I don't care what they offer, I’m protecting you
’Cause I never
Never, no, no, thought I could put anybody before me
So they gon', thеy gon’ have to come get mе
They gon' have to see about me to get next to you (Ooh, ah)
[Verse 2]
You're more than the sun, you're why the sun beams (Ooh, ah)
Your love is high, wide like a river
And if I die, I already fell and I’m floating (Safe in your arms)
Ooh, I know what it's like to feel like I'm dyin' in peace
Ho, ho-oh, oh-oh, I
I'll tell you all my secrets if you promise to keep us in love (In love, in love)
'Cause I need it badder than I needed air to breathe (Oh, oh, oh, no, no)
If you ain't around to catch me when I'm fallin'
I'ma fuck around and tat angel wings
On my back, just in case
If you ain't around when I'm around, I'ma fuck around and (Promise that)
They gon', they gon' have to come get me
They gon' have to see about me to get next to you
They gon', they gon' have to call the law
I don't care what they offer, I'm protecting you
'Cause I never
Never, no, no, thought I could put anybody before me (No)
So they gon', they gon' have to come get me
They gon' have to see about me to get next to you
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