Fahri Hamzah: Prabowo Emerges as Strongest Presidential Contender, Gains Additional Support from Golkar and PAN
Boosted by Golkar and PAN Backing, Fahri Hamzah Extends Congratulations to Prabowo

Kaltimtoday.co, Jakarta - The Golkar Party and the National Mandate Party (PAN) have finally declared their support for the Chairman of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto, as a presidential candidate (capres) in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election.
With the added support from Golkar and PAN, alongside previous endorsements from the Gerindra Party, the National Awakening Party (PKB), and the Crescent Star Party (PBB), Prabowo Subianto emerges as the strongest contender for the presidential ticket in the 2024 Presidential Election.
In response to this development, Vice Chairman of the Indonesian People's Movement Party (Gelora), Fahri Hamzah, expressed his thoughts on the matter, stating that the additional support from Golkar and PAN is advantageous for Prabowo.
"As I suspected, Mr. Prabowo has now become the strongest presidential candidate with this support. While other contenders struggle to secure their 'tickets,'" Fahri remarked in a statement on Sunday (August 13, 2023).
According to Fahri, Prabowo's maneuvers, along with his party, signify a calculated move, demonstrating no fear of losing the opportunity, despite potential threats from the PKB to withdraw their support.
In actuality, Prabowo continues to amass additional support from various political parties, expanding his coalition beyond the existing Greater Indonesian Unity Coalition (KKIR).
In light of this, Fahri Hamzah extended his congratulations to Prabowo for securing support from Golkar and PAN, a significant step towards his candidacy in the 2024 Presidential Election.
"This is a strategic advantage for him as the party leader. A move without constraints, unafraid of losing the opportunity. Congratulations, Sir!" exclaimed Fahri, a prospective legislative candidate for the Gelora Party in the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) electoral district.
Fahri believes that Prabowo has now gained the stability in his presidential candidacy, having secured his place in the race with the inclusion of the PBB, followed by Golkar and the recent declaration of support from PAN.
"Furthermore, Mr. Prabowo could even determine his choice for a vice-presidential candidate (cawapres) closer to the deadline. He could simply say, 'Hey, the leader of this party, you could be my vice-president.' It's a partnership, and it's settled," he added.
Fahri, who served as the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives from 2014 to 2019, praised Prabowo's graceful and elegant approach in the lead-up to the 2024 Presidential Election, a stance that is likely to be well-regarded by the public.
"I'm one of those who view Mr. Prabowo's steps as elegant; he doesn't rush too far ahead. It's remarkable, and the people will perceive it as ambitious, at the very least," stated Vice Chairman of the Indonesian People's Movement Party.
It is worth noting that the Gelora Party has also declared its support for Prabowo Subianto as a presidential candidate in the 2024 Presidential Election. Currently, the Gelora Party and the Gerindra Party are finalizing the technical details for the declaration of support for Prabowo.
"Both the Gelora and Gerindra parties are currently finalizing the technical details for the declaration of support for Prabowo Subianto as a presidential candidate," said Mahfuz Sidik, the Secretary General of the Gelora Party, in a statement on Friday (August 4, 2023).
According to Mahfuz, the Gelora and Gerindra parties have held multiple meetings to discuss the technicalities and timing of the declaration of support for Prabowo.
However, the timing of the declaration event is still awaiting mutual agreement between the Chairman of the Gelora Party, Anis Matta, and the Minister of Defense, who is also the Chairman of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto.
In essence, the technical discussions for the declaration have been completed; only the appropriate timing for the event, agreed upon by Anis Matta and Prabowo Subianto, remains to be decided.
"Therefore, several rounds of discussions have taken place, and we are now awaiting an agreement on timing between the Chairman of the Gelora Party, Anis Matta, and the Chairman of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto," explained Mahfuz.
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