Explore 6 Fascinating Tourist Spots around IKN Nusantara, Visit Dayak Tribe's Traditional Village

Kaltimtoday.co - The official relocation of Indonesia's capital city from DKI Jakarta to IKN Nusantara is set to take place in Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan (Kaltim). On Monday (March 14, 2022), President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) conducted a ceremony to unite soil and water from 34 provinces into the 'kendi nusantara.' Furthermore, the construction of IKN Nusantara is confirmed to begin in the second half of 2022.
One of the main attractions of IKN Nusantara is its natural beauty, which also hosts several natural tourist destinations. Kalimantan Timur is rich in culture, from its indigenous tribes, traditional houses, to traditional dances. Here are some of the top destinations around IKN Nusantara as compiled by Kompas.com.
1. Titik Nol IKN Nusantara

Titik Nol IKN Nusantara marks the future center of the new capital city. Since the ritual of unifying soil and water from 34 provinces into 'kendi nusantara,' this location has garnered public attention. According to Kompas.com (May 5, 2022), Titik Nol IKN Nusantara has become a popular tourist spot for the local community. Visitors frequently flock to this area during weekends and national holidays. During the 2022 Lebaran holiday, thousands of visitors thronged the site to witness the future national capital.
2. Bukit Bangkirai

Bukit Bangkirai spans 510 hectares and is part of the PT Inhutani concession area covering 19,000 hectares. The area is adorned with thousands of tree species, predominantly bangkirai and meranti trees, as well as medicinal plants like kayu bajakah. Bukit Bangkirai offers visitors a 64-meter-long Canopy Bridge, hanging 25 to 30 meters above the ground, providing breathtaking views of the forest. Other forest attractions include flying fox, swing line, wall climbing, and a net bridge. Located in Kecamatan Samboja, Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan, it takes approximately 1 hour 15 minutes from Titik Nol IKN Nusantara.
3. Desa Wisata Mentawir

Desa Wisata Mentawir features various natural attractions, including Teluk Balikpapan, mangrove forests, rafting on Sungai Mentawir, bamboo forests, and tropical jungles. Visitors can also experience the cultural heritage of the Paser tribe, such as the traditional dance called "ronggeng." Additionally, tourists can savor local seafood and unique mangrove syrup. The village also offers handcrafted bamboo souvenirs. Desa Wisata Mentawir is located in Kecamatan Sepaku, Penajam Paser Utara, Kalimantan Timur, approximately 1 hour 17 minutes from Titik Nol IKN Nusantara.
4. Desa Budaya Pampang
Desa Budaya Pampang is home to the indigenous Dayak Apokayan tribe. Originally residing in Kutai Barat and Malinau, the tribe relocated to Pampang to avoid becoming part of Malaysia in the 1960s. The village was officially designated as a cultural village in 1991. Visitors to Desa Budaya Pampang can witness various aspects of the Dayak culture, from traditional dances to the traditional lamin adat pamung tawai houses adorned with intricate Dayak carvings. The village is situated in Kelurahan Sungai Siring, Kecamatan Samarinda Utara, East Kalimantan.
5. Kebun Raya Balikpapan

Covering 309 hectares, Kebun Raya Balikpapan is a special forest area that serves as a botanical garden. It was officially established on December 1, 2005, with a focus on conservation, education, research, nature tourism, and environmental services. The garden is located in Kelurahan Karang Joang, Kecamatan Balikpapan Utara, around 1 hour 48 minutes away from Titik Nol IKN Nusantara.
6. Pantai Tanah Merah
Aside from hills, tourists can also find beautiful beaches around IKN Nusantara, including Pantai Tanah Merah. The beach's distinctive feature is the presence of cemara and pine trees, giving it a unique blend of red earth and white sandy shores. Pantai Tanah Merah offers gazebo and wooden bridge for visitors to relax and enjoy the scenery. With a shallow depth of approximately 300 meters from the shoreline, visitors can safely swim here. The beach is equipped with public facilities such as parking areas and toilets. Pantai Tanah Merah is located in Tanjung Harapan, Kecamatan Samboja, Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan, approximately 2 hours away from Titik Nol IKN Nusantara.
In conclusion, the area surrounding IKN Nusantara offers an abundance of natural beauty and cultural experiences, making it a promising destination for travelers and tourists alike."
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